
Case Study Collection
Task 41
October 2014
Editor: Karin Kappel, Olaf Bruun Jørgensen, Merete Hoff, Marja Lundgren, Rolf Hagen, Mark Snow, Kelsey Saunders

The Collection of Case Studies include a wide range of new built or retrofitted building types such as single and multi-family housing, offices, schools and universities, stadiums, culture buildings, etc. The case studies include active solar (photovoltaic and solar thermal) and passive solar. More than 230 case studies have been proposed and evaluated by a broad range of trained architects from universities, research institutes, dissemination organisations and professional practices. 50 projects from 11 countries have been selected to the Collection of Case Studies.

Innovative solar products for architectural integration
Task 41 Subtask A: Criteria for Architectural Integration
September 2012

This website shows in an attractive way the innovative/inspiring solar products for building integration now available on the market. The website is dedicated to architects and has three sections: photovoltaic, solar thermal and hybrid systems. By choosing a specific technology and integration approach (roof integration, façade integration, balcony…) the user receives a selection of appropriate products, presented in the form of virtual A4 sheets. These sheets include dedicated information, contact details and pictures, both of the product alone and in situation on buildings.