Task 55 Highlights 2020February 2021 - PDF 0.17MB
In recent years, megawatt-scale solar thermal district heating (SDH) systems have gained increasing attention globally. Several ambitious projects were successfully implemented in countries such as Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Sweden and Norway. Large-scale SDH systems and their large-sized seasonal storages have become attractive options for cost effective and low carbon heat supply. In the next step, large systems will become even bigger and likely grow from MEGA to almost GIGA-sized installations. These systems will be able to meet the increasing energy demand of city districts and of whole cities. Compared to conventional heat generation systems, the effective operation of a SDH network and its seasonal storage can guarantee a primary energy consumption reduction of >70% in thermal needs. However, the actual integration of large solar thermal systems into existing and new networks faces several challenges. Expertise on the integration of large solar thermal systems into district networks is limited. Therefore, SHC Task 55 collects and disseminates technical and economic solutions to leverage large-scale solar thermal district heating and cooling systems worldwide.